퇴행성관절염을 악화시키는 음식들이 있습니다. 이 음식들은 염증을 악화시키거나 통증을 유발시켜 증상을 나쁘게 합니다. 관절염에 나쁜 아래 음식들은 www.whfood.com에 자세히 나와있습니다. 아래 음식들을 피하도록 노력하세요. (수정 1/05/23)

Diet for Osteoarthritis - Foods to eliminate
Diets that are high in refined foods like white rice, white bread, sweets, white pasta, and laden with saturated and trans fats have been shown to contribute to the development or progression of osteoarthritis, according to www.whfoods.com (World's Healthiest Foods), a website dedicated to nutrition education.
Listed here are foods to avoid if you want to get started on a diet for osteoarthritis.
- Fried foods
- Foods with partially hydrogenated trans fats - such as margarine, chips, baked goods
- Saturated fats - such as animal fats (butter)
- Sugar - white and raw sugar (sugar that occurs in fruit is OK)
- White flour, rice and pasta (substitute whole grain versions)
- Most fast food and prepackaged foods and snacks
- Corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, soy-based oils (substitute extra virgin olive oil)