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관절염 환자에게 유익한 음식을 파악해서 식단에 추가합니다.

  • 오메가 3가 풍부한 음식 (연어, 아마씨, 호두 등)
  • 올리브 식용유
  • 비타민 C가 풍부한 음식 (과일, 야채 등)
  • 셀레니움이 풍부한 음식 (대구, 브라질 너트 등)
  • 베타카로틴 등이 풍부한 음식( 파파야, 벨페퍼, 옥수수, 수박 등)


Add Arthritis-Friendly Foods to Your Diet

Numerous studies over the past decades point to certain types of foods being beneficial for arthritis suffers. As part of your natural arthritis pain relief strategy you may want to eat:

  • Foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids such as salmon, flax seeds or walnuts
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Foods rich in vitamin C such as broccoli, bell peppers, strawberries and kiwi
  • Selenium-rich foods such as brazil nuts, cod and snapper
  • Foods with beta-cryptoxanthin (a relative of beta carotent) including red bell pepper, papaya, corn and watermelon
  • A diet that regulary includes tart cherries, either dried or tart cherry juice concentrate

관절염개선을 위한 생활요법

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