
류마티스 환자가 피해야 할 운동

by hsk posted Mar 08, 2013


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류마티스 환자가 피해야 할 운동

관절에 무리를 주는 고강도 운동. 예를 들면 조깅이나 역도같은 운동들은 반드시 피해야 할 운동입니다. 류마티스 전문 병원에서는 전문적인 분들의 류마티스 재활에 필요한 운동을 선택해 드립니다

Exercises to Avoid if You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis

Are there any kinds of exercise you should avoid if you have rheumatoid arthritis? In general, you should be careful about activities that put a lot of stress on a joint, or are "high-impact," such as:

Jogging, especially on paved roads

Heavy weight lifting

That's not to say that these activities are totally off-limits. If you're interested in trying them, talk to your doctor first.

Your rheumatologist can help you create an exercise program that is right for you. This may also involve meeting with a physical therapist. Physical therapists can identify what areas you need to work on, choose the right exercises for you, and tell you how vigorously you should exercise.
